Furuno’s GP170 is a highly stable and reliable position fixing system for ocean going ships, large yachts, ferries and commercial vessels. It is an ideal position sensor for Radar, AIS, ECDIS, Autopilot, Echo Sounder and other navigation and communications equipment. Its newly designed GPS chip and antenna deliver enhanced stability and precision in position fixing. Noise rejection capabilities are incorporated in the new receiver, delivering a high level of tolerance towards multi-path mitigation, which is further enhanced when the GPA020S or GPA021S antenna unit is utilized.
Les performances du GP170 sont conformes aux résolutions IMO MSC.112 (73) et au standard IEC 61108-1 (homologué WHEEL MARK).
Le GP170 fournit des informations de navigation pour les AIS,
radars, VDR, en tant que capteurs EPFS (système de positionnement électronique).
Très fiable, le GP170 utilise le système SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation
System) quand il est connecté à une antenne GPA-021S.